Andreas Quint
Int. FCI Richter

Andreas Quint
International FCI and SV Rescue Dog Judge
Spokesperson for special Dog training
Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V.
My vita in rescue dog work start in 1977, as a dog handler in the USAR team of the professional fire brigade Wiesbaden. The list of national and international deployment is very long, whether as a dog handler or most recently as Team Leader of the USAR team.
In the course of my career, I trained 11 rescue dogs in track, area and debris . In addition, I was also active in the Schutzhundsport and successfully led to champion ships in IGP. I was also active in the dog shows and led dogs at the Bundessiegerzuchtschau in the working dog class.
In 1986 I was trained as a specialist judge for biological localization (search dogs) in the German Fire Brigade Association. So that our dogs remain active even during the non-operational period, I was also involved in the rescue dog sport of the SV. After the SV had joined the IRO in 2000, the training as an Int. FCI judge in rescue dog sport took place. In 2017 I took over the department of special dog training in the SV. My tasks include the organization of the German Championship (Bundessiegerprüfung) and the International Championships as well as the supervision of the judges' corps.
The rescue dog sport originally comes from the field of deployment site. The rescue dog sport is versatile. It includes search work in five divisions as well as subordination as well as dexterity training. In the rescue dog sport, we train the team of dog and human and the finding and rescue of people.
In the German Shepherd Dog Association we fulfil two areas: the breeding of working dogs suitable for use and the training of working dogs. Coordinating both is the challenge for the future.